Welcome to my Samhain / Season of the Witch readings

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My tarot readings combine both insights from the tarot and your birth chart to offer a comprehensive look at the energies surrounding you, as well as practical guidance as to how you can best work with them. If you’re new here, please take a look at my policies page.

Readings are delivered as a written PDF + the option to add a recorded video delivered by email, or via live Zoom call on request. If you’d like to request a Zoom reading, please let me know in the form at check-out. I’ll reach back out within 12 hours to arrange a date / time.

Otherwise, you will be asked to select a date / time when you check-out, but please note there is no live appointment for readings - your reading package will be delivered to your inbox within 12 hours of the date you select.

Craving a magical amuse bouche to set your Witches’ New Year visions in motion?

This fun-sized mini reading will conjure a hit of clarity around the blessings of the year to date, the fears lurking in the corners of your mind that are ready to be swept widdershins, and some ways you can hook the magick of Samhain to your veins + let it enhance your magick. Trick or treat yourself to this mini reading and ring in your favourite hell-iday with some cosmic insights and inspiration.

This reading goes over:

  1. Treat: The key blessing of the last 9 months

2. Trick: The fear that threatens to drain your energy + how to put it to rest

3. Sugar high: Ritual guidance for the Samhain season + how it’ll propel your magick into the coming year

What you get:

A written 1 - 2 page PDF file of channeled writing sent to your inbox + the option to add a 10 - 15 minute video breakdown of your spread.

Halloween / Samhain marks the third and final harvest. At this time, the fruits have been picked, debris has fallen and been cleared, and seeds are just beginning to germinate underground. Hence, Samhain is thought to kick off a cycle of rebirth. This sabbat sends us into a ‘new growing year’ with a highly charged spiritual energy - at this time, the veil between worlds is thought to be thinnest it gets all year. It’s prime time to shed what is no longer aligned with our spirit, and peer through the veil of what is and reach into the realm of possibility. What will you find there, this year?

This reading provides insights from the tarot and your birth chart to guide you in harnessing the transformational energies of Samhain, and forging into your best next year ahead.

This reading goes over:

1. Glimpse beyond the veil: What is standing between me and my dreams?

2. Light the lantern: How to move forward fearlessly into the next chapter of my growth

3. Wield your wand: What is my power, now?

4. Nail the coffin shut: What version of me am I ready to put to rest?

5. Summon support: What part of me is ready to be resurrected?

What you get:

A written 2 - 4 page PDF file of channeled writing sent to your inbox + the option to add a 10 - 15 minute video breakdown of your spread

Get it if:

  • You feel a personal connection to Samhain and / or the season of the witch, and would love some external direction and ideas as to how you can best work with this year’s sabbat / surrounding astrology to make it all you need and desire it to be

  • You feel called to mark this year’s Samhain as a milestone in your life, and a check-in with the universe for perspective, along with some practical guidance feels like the perfect supplement to your own Samhain rituals, plans or workings

  • You are ready to begin looking ahead at the coming year, and could use some guidance to help you fine-tune your focus and choose your intentions for your upcoming 12 months - and beyond

It might seem counterintuitive, but feeding our demons doesn’t make them stronger, denying them does. ‘Demons’ (or, our shadow aspects) hate being neglected, and so they’ll always push back against our attempts at suppression, manifesting in ways that ultimately hinder our progress and happiness.

This mini reading option combines insights from the tarot and your birth chart to help you renew your commitment to bringing loving awareness to your shadowy parts, so you can continue becoming your most strong, whole, powerful self. What better time than the season of the witch?

This reading goes over:

  1. What does my shadow currently 'want' from me?

  2. How can I bring compassion to my shadow, as a practice?

  3. Who can I be when I fully embrace my shadow?

  4. Oracle card for inspiration and guidance

What you get:

A written 1 - 2 page PDF file of channeled writing sent to your inbox + the option to add a 10 - 15 minute video breakdown of your spread

Get it if:

  • Your intentions around self-love could use a check-in at this point in the year! You’re ready to take the opportunity of this season that celebrates the darkness to examine the energies, fears and limiting ideas that can lead to challenges and difficulties in your life

  • The archetypes of the tarot tend to be allies for you when it comes to your healing journey (or you have a sense they could be) and now feels like the right time too connect with them and their wisdom

  • You're ready to take accountability for creating positive change in your life, at this turning point in our year

Samhain and surrounding days are when the veil grows the thinnest that it gets all year. Around this time, we can connect more readily with those who have passed over, but still walk with us in this life. Whether you have specific plans and intentions for ancestor work during this Samhain season or you’re simply open to considering how you might approach it at this time, this mini reading can offer a guiding light for peering into the beyond.

Through insights from the tarot and your birth chart, this mini reading shines light on some ideal next steps you might take to connect fruitfully with ancestors who want to support your highest good in this lifetime.

This reading goes over:

  1. Where to turn now for guidance in connecting with my ancestors

  2. How to incorporate ancestral work into my life

  3. What can connecting with my ancestors allow me to step more fully into, in this life?

  4. Oracle card for inspiration and guidance

What you get:

A written 1-2 page PDF file of channeled writing sent to your inbox + the option to add a 10 - 15 minute video breakdown of your spread

Get it if:

  • You are curious about ancestor work and are interested to explore what it might look like in your life / how to make it work for you. This Samhain season feels like the perfect time to get started

  • Connecting with ancestors tends to be a part of your Samhain practices and some additional tarot guidance feels like it could add fuel to your work this year, whether you’re seeking to make new connections, or try new avenues to connect

A symbol of the act of manifestation, the Magician archetype in the tarot reminds us that we don't need to be gifted any special talents to create change in accordance with our will - all we need is the belief that we can. We all have the power to create something bigger and better than the sum of its parts, and the more we harness our focused intention, the more powerfully creative we can be.

This mini reading option combines insights from the tarot and your birth chart to help you gain clarity around what you are ready to create in your life at this time, and how you can more firmly believe in yourself and your abilities.

This reading goes over:

  1. Inner resources that serve me now

  2. External resources that serve me now

  3. What is it time to create, in my life?

  4. Oracle card for inspiration and guidance

This reading goes over:

A written 1 - 2 page PDF file of channeled writing sent to your inbox + the option to add a 10 - 15 minute video breakdown of your spread

Get it if:

  • You’re setting some bold intentions this Samhain season and you could use some guidance and inspiration to summon confidence and fuel your best laid plans

  • You don’t even know where to start when it comes to magick, and around Samhain feels like a beautiful opportunity to explore how to get out of your own way and act on your intentions

  • You’re ready to push past self-doubts and uncertainty and start acting like you believe in yourself and your abilities, starting now

Our beloved animal friends are more than just pets. They are are our confidants, allies and often, our chosen family. They see and hear it all, and they might know us better than we know ourselves. Just like all our relationships, our familiars come into our lives for a reason. In this mini reading, you’ll explore the deeper meaning of your relationship with your pet, understand how to continuously strengthen your connection, and learn how to embrace and benefit from their wisdom.

What you get:

A written 1-2 page PDF file of channeled writing sent to your inbox (+ option to add a 10 minute video breakdown)

This reading goes over:

  • What are you and your familiar here to teach each other?

  • What to know as you continue to grow + deepen your relationship 

  • How your relationship with your familiar can help you be your best self, in the world 

Get it if:

  • You’re curious about your pet’s role in your life (whether they are here in the physical, or they have passed), and you’d like to know how you can harness your connection to be your best self

  • You and your pet are going through a transition period (for example, moving homes), or, your pet is nearing the end of their life, and you’d like to know how to best care for them during this time